The Vauxhall Society reports that, "Lambeth councillors have hired an extremely-expensive architectural practice, Farrells, to make up planners’ and councillors’ minds for them on whether Vauxhall Cross is to be a ‘centre’ (i.e. fit for people) or an ‘interchange’ (what we have now)."
But Lambeth Council has already made up its mind - their Core Strategy, adopted this January, includes the following about Vauxhall:
"Overall, development will be supported to provide at least 3,500 new homes and 8,000 jobs in the Vauxhall area and appropriate community and public transport infrastructure improvements will be sought.
This will be achieved by:
(a) Active ground floor frontages being provided in development throughout the Vauxhall area, with a mix of uses including Central London Activities with local services and facilities serving the predominantly residential areas to the east of the railway viaduct. A focus of new retail uses will be promoted around the transport interchange to create a district centre.
(b) Developing an accessible, legible and permeable pedestrian and cycling environment, including creating public spaces, promoting public art, with key landmarks, quality streetscape, strong linkages to the River Thames, between public spaces, and connections from east to west between Albert Embankment and the primarily residential areas beyond the railway viaduct and ensuring that a high quality riverside walk is maintained.
(c) Seeking substantial improvements in the quality, access and capacity of public transport in the Opportunity Area as a whole and in particular
Vauxhall underground and rail stations, bus services, enhancement of the quality of public transport interchange, highway improvements throughout the Vauxhall area particularly seeking the removal of the one-way traffic system and transport links to the wider area."
I hope that Farrell's have been appointed to show how this strategy, including the removal of the one-way traffic system, can be achieved.