Tuesday 13 December 2011

Local Recycling Centre no longer so local

On 3rd January Southwark's Manor Depot Recycling and Reuse Centre (a mile from Kenningon) shuts, with the replacement opening at 43 Devon Street, SE15 1AL - 3 1/2 miles from Kennington in Peckham.

This makes the Cringle Dock Solid Waste Transfer Station, Cringle Street, SW8 5BX on the river at Battersea, a little over two miles away, the preferred option to take items that can't be given to a local charity shop or put on the wonderful Lambeth Freecycle.

The advantage of using Cringle Dock is that barges are used to take unwanted materials away, reducing local lorry journeys.

Lambeth Council also provide bulky waste collections