Just when you thought there might be a chance that the monstrously huge Vauxhall Gyratory might be removed, to make it a pleasant place for thousands of new residents to live in the planned new homes, along comes a document which says it might not be gargantuan enough!
After you've read the following, please fill in Lambeth's questionnaire about the draft Vauxhall Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) and demand that motor traffic reduction must be a clearly stated key element.
Here we go: Finally the Vauxhall, Nine Elms, Battersea (VNEB) Opportunity Area Planning Framework (OAPF) has been published. It says on page 54:
"Impact on Highways – Change in flows
When considered alongside the forecast no development (2026) situation, the strategic highways model developed as part of the transport study and updated to reflect the preferred development scenario indicates that a steady increase in highway traffic volume changes will occur as a residential and employment density increases (Figure 6.4).
The key arterial routes running through the OA and connecting to the bridges experience the greatest current and future traffic volumes, with increases exacerbating existing problems at Vauxhall, Chelsea and Lambeth Road Bridges and key junctions within the OA.
The Vauxhall gyratory experiences the greatest current and forecast volume of traffic in the OA. With preferred development scenario levels of traffic, highways modelling indicates that the current junction capacity may be inadequate which, if unmitigated, would lead to increased congestion on major routes into the Vauxhall area which itself would lead to re-routing of traffic along parallel routes and local borough roads.
The potential impacts that have been identified highlight the need for a restraint based approach to car parking for all land uses. This will help to reduce unnecessary car journeys and encourage the use of more sustainable modes such as public transport, cycling and walking. There will also be a need to undertake selective junction improvements, e.g. at Queen’s Circus and at the junction of Battersea Park Road with Queenstown Road.
There is also a requirement to look in more detail at the potential impact of traffic generated or attracted to the OA on key routes/junctions outside the OA. This work is to be undertaken by TfL, in conjunction with Lambeth and Wandsworth."
(Incidentally, the VNEB OAPF picture of the proposed Thames 'pedestrian and cycling bridge' still suggests the plan is for a bridge to push your bike across).