Saturday, 11 June 2011

Vauxhall Gyratory set to remain foul

Cllr Morgan has sent around a presentation made by TfL at the end of March.

Please find attached a link to the TfL presentation made on Gyratory on 30 March 2011.

In addition, please find attached link to original Burns & Nice Study

TfL's presentation reflects the Mayor's obsession with smoothing traffic flow rather than achieving modal shift towards more sustainable transport modes. Apparently removing the gyratory isn't a goer as it would require a 36% reduction in motor traffic in the morning forcing motorists to reconsider their mode of transport.
Unimaginable, doncha see. It's not desirable to reduce mindless motor vehicle use; we need to maintain the diesel particulate spewing, one person in a car, noisy central London experience.

Don't we understand yet that we need to have loads of road space to be able to have the lorries delivering bottled water to sell in Waterloo Station rather than having Network Rail install taps. This, and having loads of taxis because people who daren't cycle because of the taxis feel compelled to use them, is the priority.

There's not a chance of making Vauxhall and the rest of central London somewhere nice to walk and cycle around.
Meanwhile, TfL have just produced an 'Analysis of Cycling Potential' which says:
Regions expecting significant growth in population and employment have the opportunity to ‘design in’ a high cycle mode share through innovative transport and land use policies

Will the VNEB area be the new Amsterdam - has anyone seen any detailed plans for making this flat, central London area a cycling nirvana?

Thought not.