Thursday, 30 September 2010

Why isn't the cyclist shopping?

Kennington Road is used by hundreds, if not thousands, of people on bikes everyday. Like other people, they probably like to browse in a bookshop, get food from a deli, check out the estate agent's window or buy a bottle of wine. So why don't these people on bikes (like the person cycling past the bus stop in the photo) ever stop here to nip into a shop?

It's the same simple reason these people on bikes never stop to shop on the other side of the road either - there are no signposts that you can fit a D-lock around to park a bike, no railings and no cycle parking stands.

The number of A-frame advertising boards on the pavements suggests the retailers are desperate for passing trade. Just imagine if the retailers had invested in Sheffield Stands instead of A-frames - what a wealthier bunch they would be.