Monday, 13 September 2010

Thames Festival shows South Bank the future

Lambeth Cyclists have demanded another draft is produced of the Southbank and Waterloo Cycling Strategy that Lambeth Council commissioned the South Bank Employers Group to write (our co-operative council??).

They claim the SBEG report is weak in its drive to develop cycling, seeming more intent on rationalising cycling in the area.

The bicycle is the obvious way of seeing a range of events at different points along the Thames Festival and as a result these photos show the latent demand for cycling that SBEG need to nurture.

Some people chose not to park their bikes (or couldn't find a bit of railing) and kept their bikes with them. I'll bet at about 7am some even found space to ride along the river front - something the SBEG employers would like to see banned.

Needless to say, the Shirayama County Hall's security guards were stopping anyone parking on the odd bit of railings they have and couldn't give a toss that their company provides zero, zilth, nada, no cycle parking whatsoever.