Monday, 4 October 2010

Little steps to fewer lorries

Cutting out one-use items like take-away coffee cups and disposable cutlery means fewer lorries fouling our streets as well as less landfill.

I dropped into the Scandinavian Kitchen (61 Great Titchfield Street, W1W 7PP) a few weeks ago for a good take-away coffee in a Keep Cup for about £4.

The dishwasher suitable Keep Cup fits in a pocket in one of my panniers so it's always with me and I can cycle my take-away coffee off to drink it elsewhere (with an elastic band to ensure the lid stays on the cup over cobbles or pot-holes). I've had no coffee place refuse to serve me coffee in the cup and several have given me a discount (enough to offset the cost of the original purchase).

Visit this blog for further ways to a less disposable lifestyle.