Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Lambeth Cyclists "Wren Revival Ride" Sat 22 Sept

Lambeth Cyclists organise a free ride looking at a particular aspect of architecture each month. The next one is described as follows:

WREN REVIVAL RIDE     Sat 22nd Sept

Our next Architecture Ride is a revival of a ride we did six years ago looking at the work of the man who transformed London in the wake of the Great Fire.- Christopher Wren.

Already celebrated as a mathematician, astronomer and inventor, Wren seized his chance to make perhaps the greatest mark any one architect has made on a city, with fifty-one churches and their infinitely-varied steeples dancing around the great drum of St Paul’s and its dome.

Open House Weekend gives us the chance to go inside his City churches, many of which are rarely open, especially at weekends.   We’ll visit as many of the churches as we can fit in, and finish with a look at one of his grandest  “domestic” projects, the  Royal Hospital Chelsea.

Meet at The Monument, Fish Street Hill, at the north end of London Bridge, 10.30 for a 10.45 start.  We’ll finish in Chelsea about 4.00.

Enquiries – Mark Knox 07765 945530