Saturday 28 November 2015

Ruskin Park to Kennington Park Greenway – Phase 1

The consultation on this only lasts until December 6th so respond quickly if you have any comments.

Details are on Lambeth Council's website  and cut and pasted below

Lambeth Council is committed to improving the local environment so that more people of all ages and ability can choose to walk or cycle. There are many cycling initiatives going on across Lambeth and in your area we are proposing improvements that will form part of the Ruskin Park to Kennington Park Greenway.
What is the Ruskin Park to Kennington Park Greenway?
The Ruskin Park to Kennington Park Greenway is a cycle route that will improve access and connections to a number of green spaces in the borough for cyclists and pedestrians. This includes; Ruskin Park, Old Paradise Street Park and Kennington Park. There are approximately 15 schemes on the complete route comprising measures such as; raised speed tables, kerb build outs and new footway paving. The Greenway is funded by Transport for London as part of the Local Implementation Plan (LIP) budget.
How does this affect me?
Lambeth Council plans to implement six of the Ruskin Park to Kennington Park Greenway schemes in the early part of 2016, as Phase 1 of the overall Greenway programme. Subject to funding and approval processes other schemes will be delivered in future years. The locations of the schemes in Phase 1 and the main measures proposed are summarised in the table below. Where space permits and there are no issues with underground utilities, new cycle stands and street trees will be considered at all locations.
Location of Scheme                                                                        Main Proposals
Whitgift Street                                                                                  Speed table
Lilford Road/ Foreign Street Junction                                      Kerb build out and speed table
Ferndene Road*                                                                              Kerb build out
Old Paradise Street/Lambeth High Street Junction           Kerb build outs and speed table
Gordon Grove**                                                                             Kerb build out
Juxon Street/ Lambeth Walk Junction                                    Cut back kerb to improve left turn
*To create the kerb build out on Ferndene Road, we will be taking out a short length of an existing permit holder/pay for parking bay. This bay will be reduced by approximately 4 parking spaces however there are a number of other existing parking bays on both sides of Ferndene Road which will not be affected, leaving ample provision in the area for parking
**The kerb build out on Gordon Grove will require new double yellow lines to prevent vehicles parking beside it. Approximately one informal parking space will be taken out as a result of this. This minor reduction in parking provision is needed to ensure enough carriageway space is available for vehicles to pass each other safely near the new kerb build out. 
If you would like to see the Greenway plans please visit the link for the online survey below.
When is the work likely to start in my area?
Road works to implement the Phase 1 Greenway schemes will be carried out in early 2016. We’ll contact you closer to the time to let you know exact dates when work will be carried out in your area.
Have your say
We’d like to hear your views on the proposals we’re making, and would welcome feedback from you by completing our online survey here . If you’d like to request a paper version of the online survey, please contact us using Greenway – Phase 1 as a reference in your e-mail and we’ll get a copy sent out to you as soon as possible. Alternatively, you could also call us on 020 7926 3920 to request a copy.

We’re collecting feedback on the proposals until Sunday 6th December 2015.

Friday 20 November 2015

Future transport in London - a doodle

On the one hand there will be vehicles with moderate speed and/or low weight, so low kinetic energy.

This may be Zac  Goldsmith's vision

These exist too

and I think it's really clear that high kinetic vehicles like the following should be segregated away from these soft, squidgy things as far as possible

What doesn't make sense is to provide really fast routes for high kinetic energy vehicles but wiggly, inconvenient, slow routes for low kinetic energy vehicles.

After all, for most of our short, daily journeys we can use low kinetic energy transport, and if we want to go  a long distance something like this makes sense to use for the majority of the journey:

Sunday 1 November 2015

A lack of consistency from the RAC

Saturday 14 November 1896 was a red-letter day in the history of British motoring: the 'Emancipation Run' from London to Brighton celebrated the passing of the Locomotives on the Highway Act. This raised the speed limit for 'light locomotives' from four miles per hour to 14 mph and abolished the requirement to be preceded by a man on foot.

From 1930 to the present day the Run has been owned and professionally run by the Royal Automobile Club of Pall Mall London. Only cars made before 1 January 1905 can take part in the ride which takes place on the open road on the first Sunday in November.

At the start of this week the RAC announced it has teamed up with The Scout Association for a three-year road safety partnership that will reach more than half a million Beaver Scouts, Cub Scouts, Scouts and Explorer Scouts.

"The three-year partnership will see RAC patrols visit Scout Groups to teach road safety, focusing on campaigns such as how to be road smart in the 21st century and in-car safety. 
The RAC road safety campaign will be combined with the Scouts’ road safety programme; the RAC will sponsor the Cub Scouts’ Road Safety activity badge, fronted by the Horace mascot, as part of this association. 
The RAC has also created a Road Safety Awareness Charity, with the aim of raising enough funds to give every Cub Scout in Britain a high-visibility vest by 2018."
Lead by example and charity begins at home are time-served sayings so the RAC should probably first raise funds to give hi-vis vests and lights to the vulnerable car occupants on their annual car run - all the more so when it's as foggy as it was this morning. Alternatively, I'm sure Volvo would happily spray paint all over the cars and occupants as part of their road safety messaging.

Or just maybe we prefer to live in a world where everyone isn't wearing hi-vis or sprayed in reflective paint.