Thursday 25 March 2010

No news yet on space at Lil Baylis Comm'y Hub

Monday 8th March
I sent an email to Sheila Kelly requesting meeting:

Hi Sheila,

Plans are developing re the Cycle Hub in Kennington that we have secured funding for from Transport for London. When we spoke last Monday you believed that there was no space available at the Lilian Baylis Community Hub but you were going to re-check potential site availability and report back by the end of last week.

I think it would be a great idea if members of the project could come and meet with the Sports Action Zone and see what we can do together. We are now getting unsolicited interest in this project from quarters as different at Change4Life and London Transport Police, Lambeth. Given that Transport for London are very interested in this project potentially offering a model for others to follow this is great news.

Activities and events are being lined up as we speak - in fact students from the three initial schools competed in Static Roller Racing at Crampton School last week.

Clearly cycling as a form of active travel and a sport offers great synergy with the Sports Action Zone and, as a local and locally-initiated project we feel sure that we can have a constructive relationship.

I suspect that meetings to start around 3.45/4pm will probably work best for our members so I wonder if you could propose two or three dates within the next fortnight?

Many thanks,

Charlie Holland

Then in the evening I attended the Lambeth Green Champions award presentation (the Onion Shed has a grant, including support for a gardens cycle ride!) and met Cllr Sally Prentice (Lab), Cabinet Member for Environment, and we spoke about the project and old LB site. Cllr Sally Prentice says she’s meeting Ted Inman, the CEO of the influential South Bank Employers Group, on Thursday and will raise with him if she has info.